Infant observation
bonding through the look, through the listening and through the writing
Bick method, Bonds, Group, Infant observation, WritingAbstract
This work aims to present a case of mother-infant relationship proposed by the Bickmethod. Besides, it also intends to show the relevance of the written description concerningwhat happens and what is experienced by the observation as an increment to give meaning towhat is thought collectively. Based on the register made by one of the observers of the group,after the discussion in supervision, it was evident the union of a construction which is basedfrom different perspectives of each participant towards what involves the nonverbal and thepreverbal. It is highlighted the importance of the material as writing, as an indication ofexpression which remits to the poetic and to the sensibility. Therefore, it creates a third lookthat will give new meaning to the supervisor’s look and introduce a third time, which demarcatesa broader space to receive what is designed, thought, developed and transmitted. Hence, thisproduction extends the possibilities of each observer to appropriate of what is experienced byliving the observation of a mother-baby in the bosom of his family. In this manner, enjoyingthe shared experience of the observations, the observers feel accompanied by the supervisor’ssustainer look, which favors the enrichment of the singular trajectory of each and the group.
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