O sonhar e o brincar, simbolismo do mundo interno da criança
Symbolism, Dream, PlayAbstract
This work presents the way dreams, by their own nature, arose playful aspects. Their symbolisms and significances (meanings) are not inherent. We must ascribethem to the dreamer, who, with or without the aid of an interpreter, will becomeinterested in their elaboration directed to self-knowledge. In an infantile analysis context we go beyond a simple desire accomplishment. The dream is important asa playing material within the therapeutic context, getting to new organizational perspectives of the libidinal economy, new representational schemas and theanalytic process facilitation, conquering the enjoyment. In order to understandthe former, there are considered linguistic and extra-linguistic implications. The images are explained as being raw material for the elaboration in extra-linguisticand the word in linguistic grounds. This symbolic expression process occursidentically and parallel in dreams as well as in playing. The image has an over-determination, in the sense of the illimitability of its symbolism, in such a way that a child who dreams will be able to live its personal drama through its dream, as well as through its play, and will reflect the most unconscious part of its inner world without any intention, organized sequence and independently of time. We will finish with different kinds of dreams that children have and two animations, which exemplify their analytic usefulness. The dream, as well as the children’s play, is built in a space of a single person and, therefore, the dominion is in those who play and dream in what refers to the first attempts of auto-interpretative associations.Downloads
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