Intersubjectivity indicators 0-12 months
the meeting of glances to the pleasure of playing together (part II)
Interludicidy. Intersubjectivity, Parenthood, Playing, Subjectivity, SymbolizationAbstract
In this paper the author presents his hypothesis about the relationship between theIntersubjectivity and the baby’s Process of Subjectivation in the first year of life. The summary of the first part of the video with the same name, which pictures a grid presents: “Intersubjectivity Indicators 0-12 m. The encounter of glances to the pleasure of playing together”... Describes recorded interactions in encounters of 9 babies with their mothers (and fathers) along the first year of life, as his psychic structure support. These meetings provides both emotional containment of the child as the progressive co-construction of ludic experiences that allow the baby to acquire different forms of regulation of its emotions, build a possibility of separation of the object, and explore and discover new experiences himself and with its environment
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