Study of some determining factors in the development of psychosomatic disorders


  • David Maldavsky UCES



Countertransference, Defenses, Emotional and organic contagion


The author summarizes some recent proposals on the wishes and defenses in psycho-somatic patients, their expressions in language and its relationship with character traits. Then pay attention to the contagion of certain affective and organic states and categorizes four of them: somnolence, rage, anxiety, excitement. The author then esta-blishes links between these affective and organic contagion and the counter-transference manifestations. Following presents examples of clinical situations where emotional and organic contagion and counter-transference manifestations in psychosomatic patients are deployed. The paper concludes with brief notes on some other forms of induced counter-transference, on the clinical situation and the research, and on some concluding remarks.


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Author Biography

David Maldavsky, UCES

Doutor em Letras e Filosofia. Professor titular da Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade de Salvador. Diretor do Doutorado em Psicologia da Universidade de Ciências Empresariais (UCES). Diretor do Instituto de Estudos Aplicados em Psicologia e Ciências Sociais (UCES). Diretor de Ensino em Problemas e Patologia do Desvalimento (UCES).


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How to Cite

Maldavsky, D. (2015). Study of some determining factors in the development of psychosomatic disorders. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 17(2), 29–47.