Author-ized/Author-itarian training


  • Fernando Orduz Sociedad Colombiana de Psicoanálisis


Authoritarianism, Authority, Education, Psychoanalytic institution


The work therefore seeks a critique of the idea of the author as this word around two similar ideas, gestate authority and authoritarianism. Paradoxically, based on the author that gives rise to psychoanalytic thought, it tries to show how in Freud ́s work there was a critique of the model of dogmatic thinking by its similarity to the religious thought to incline by scientific understanding, which is reflecting and transforming permanently the hypothesis constituent of a theory. The paper develops this idea of author-itarism in the analysis of the formation processes of psychoanalysts, specifically in maintaining dogmas leading away from historical and social understandings. Also in the analysis of analytic training institution the author takes up Freud texts where the dangers of church and army structures are studied like Mass Psychology. We conclude that the personal analysis is a process that must not be regulated and it ́s original function that the candidate to analyst capture the dynamics of the unconscious and its way of operating in the mind.


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Author Biography

Fernando Orduz, Sociedad Colombiana de Psicoanálisis

Psicoanalista. Miembro Titular Sociedad Colombiana de Psicoanálisis.


Freud, S. (1909). La iniciación del tratamiento. En Obras completas (Vol. 5). Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.

______. (1921). La psicología de las masas. En Obras completas (Vol. 7). Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.

______. (1937[1934]). Analisis terminable e interminable. En Obras completas (Vol. 9). Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.



How to Cite

Orduz, F. (2016). Author-ized/Author-itarian training. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 18(2), 85–91. Retrieved from



Thematic Works - Analytical Training