Otherness and differences
Complexity paradigm, Differences, Gender, Nomadic sexualities, Oedipus complex, OthernessAbstract
The object of this work is to address the concept of differences in sexuality against the growing presence in contemporary society of diverse sexual denominations and genders. Noting the difficulties that those with dualistic thinking have, binary, the author suggests using complex logic and multiplicity to analyze the theories on sexual differences and masculine-feminine polarity. The author intends to include the concept of difference in a series of variables that express other registrations of difference, in a symbolic sense. This would permit a more ample analysis to access the category of difference in the sexual diversity and of gender, without being put headlong into psychopathic variants. Because of that, in relation to bodies, the identification of gender and desire, with the idea of analyzing the construction of the subject and their intersections. In this context, the author sustains that there is no access to the differences without recognizing otherness. Both are mutually certain, recursively.
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