The return of the father in democracy
psychoanalysis as a way of thinking the psychic dimension of politics
Democracy, State, Primitive father, Policy, PsychoanalysisAbstract
In this article we will investigate how the murder of the father of the primeval horde makes possible the new social order established by the brothers, having as pillars the prohibition of murder and incest. This dead Father still hovers in the intricacies of the unconscious under a double fantasy. On the one hand, there is the fear that the omnipotent powers of this murdered Father will be reinvested in another figure or form of totalitarian state organization. On the other hand, there is the fantasy of investing the powers of this Priest Father in the figure of a politician, or candidate, under the assurance that the State will now restrain any attempt at despotism through its regulatory apparatus. We will also analyze how psychoanalysis and politics think about the structure of social life through the introjection of guilt. We will also show how the state makes use of aggressiveness, and whether this is a “political” attitude in the lawful sense of the term.
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