The clinic of psychosomatic disorders
Disavowal, Forclosure of the affect, Helplessness, Intrassomatic libido, Organic introjection, Psychossomatic disorderAbstract
This paper brings some theoretical and clinical aspects of psychosomatic disorders with emphasis on David Maldavsky theory about pathologies of helplessness. His hypothesis claims that these conditions come from failures on the original reality-Ego, especially at the level of neuronal conscience (Freud, 1950/2004), the only present conscience in this primitive Ego that hasn’t yet differentiated from the Id. The failure occurs on the affective tone register. the affect is the first drive content to arrive in the psyche, and the register of it’s tone by the originary conscience leaves mnemonics marks that sustain the construction of subjectivity. e predominant defenses on this process are the foreclosure of the affect, disavowal and organic introjection.
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