Psychic survival paradoxes
work of somatization
Death drive, Life drive, Primary erogenous masochism, Psychic pain, The work of somatizationAbstract
The author presents the trajectory of her study of psychic pain which depending on the intensity can lead to the inability to live a full life from which it is possible to enjoy pleasure. Joy disappears and unending resentment and suering settle in a destructive vicious circle ruled by deadly masochism. It comments on the relevance given by Marilia Aisenstein to primary erogenous masochism or guardian of life in the healthy structuring of psychic life. e contributions developed by Claude Smadja on the work of grief and melancholy are presented and also his proposal regarding the process involved in somatization that from the perspective of pain can also be considered a psychic work that unfolds in the body scenario.
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