Metapsicologia das pulsões
um ensaio sobre a dualidade e o paradoxo
Meta-psychology, Pulsions, Pulsions of life, Death, Instinct and pulsion, Psychoanalysis and sexuality, Pulsions and subjetivityAbstract
The paper intends to invite the reflection about the theory of drive investment. From the concept which indicates that the vicissitudes of drive economy constitutes the fundamental element of the metapsychology, tries to revitalise the role played by the drives on mental life and it’s insertion on psychoanalytical theory. Underlining the specificity of this concept and it’s distinction from the one of instinct. The author focus two great traditions, organised around the conceptions of life and death drives, suggesting the predominance of sexual drives to the Freudian metapsychology, and of the death drives to the Kleinian metapsychology. He also emphasises the differences on the conception of sexuality, and destructivity in these important contemporary traditions. He suggests the need to think on the coexistence of these two forces, without consider, necessarily, the predominance of one over the other.
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