O avanço das perversões
Perversion, Myth, Personality, Innocence, Malignancy, NarcissismAbstract
This paper approaches some perversion myths attempting to refute them. It describes the changes currently suffered by the society, and how these changes can be related to perversion. It establishes parameters between perversion and personality, classifying the perversion: those, which ate able gather the analyst’s empathy because they seem desperate attitudes from people who choose a sideway, and those that are linked to malignancy and violence. It states that several perversions aim the other’s innocence violation, and acknowledges it as a true mission. It refers to some consequences on pedophiles’ victims, who will spend the rest of their lives looking for the why and the how. It stresses a feature that is common to the perverse, that is the repulsion towards their unconsciousness, replacing the fantasy by the action. It concludes stating the contemporary parents omission may lead to failurest hat favor the perversion in predisposed individuals. The narcissistic dimension of the perversion ate the debate core. The patient struggles to overcome the nonbeing feeling that takes him towards an ascendancy stratagem over his/her partner.
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