Drive dualism and the constitution of the self
theoretical intricacies
Constitution of the self, Drive dualism, Primary erogenous masochismAbstract
Many have focused on Freudian thought after 1920 with regard to the constitution of the self based on drive duality, markedly on manifestations of the intricacy of the two fundamental drives set in the time of primary erogenous masochism. This essay proposes to develop links between Freudian metapsychological constructions regarding the unfolding of the second topic (Freud, 1920/1996b, 1923/1996c, 1924/2007a, 1925/2007b, 1930/1996d) and the contributions of André Green (1988, 1990, 2008) on these primordial processes that constitute the psyche, as well as their obstacles or limitations, also resorting to the reviews and conceptual constructions of Benno Rosenberg (2003) and Renné Roussillon (2019). Starting from Freud and borrowing the theoretical models of Green and Rosenberg on how primary erogenous masochism is configured through primary drive intricacy, the article revisits the time-space where the Purified Pleasure Ego will gradually promote the complexization of psychic life and the assurance of life as a whole. Taking advantage of the temporal dimension of waiting/hope promoted by the eroticization of pain, this primitive self acquires the possibility of deflecting a part of the death drive and uses it to become more complex), enabling the encounter with the object and the correlate development of the self as a psychic subject. Placing the work of the negative (Green, 2010) in these processes of egoic development, the connection-detachment-new connection movements are explored, which can occur in the most varied ways, from denials that establish psychic function-places to processes of denial that promote the most severe pathologies. Thus, working on the ideas about primary erogenous masochism and primary narcissism, we seek to expand the analytical work, summoned by the different ways of being and suffering that speak of a clinic of the non-erogenous, of the non-represented and their wordless manifestations, through action in the body and in the world.
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