Psicanálise e psicoterapia no Brasil
crise e desenvolvimento
Development, Crisis, PsychoanalysisAbstract
Social-cultural aspects related to what has been called the post-modern culture, scientific advances linked to the development of psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, neuroscience, genetics, and psychopharmacology require that the psychoanalyst and psychotherapist keep a perspective that is open and willing to interact and interrelate with the distinct interfaces and methods. Development aspects are approached of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis in Brazil over the last 25 years. Historical landmarks are considered and a psychotherapy panorama is offered. The changes in the psychopathology of the patients are pointed out. Technical developments are identified that present two paths pursued by the psychotherapist according to their ideological inclinations and scientific positions. Ideological beliefs and convictions seem to contribute to the isolation of the psychotherapists and psychoanalysts. The lack of an integrated work could block the exercise of creativity and development in the field. There is a demand for high ethical standards along with a consistent education and elevated principles. This could imply in a foundation for a future professional organization together with the scientific and ethical organizations already obtained in some cases.
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