Disavower study in addition case

Maradona with Sade


  • Gabriel Guillermo Jure Associação Psicanalítica Argentina




Drugs, Psychology of masses, Relationship of object, Autoerotism, Narcissism


In this work, the author highlights the phenomenon of the psychology of masses through the analysis of an idol, Diego Maradona, and his relationship with the environment that idolises him. He makes a parallel with the work of the Marquis de Sade in which the characters Dolmancé and Eugênia are the protagonists of a perverse relationship between a corruptor and a student willing to learn how to use all the weapons of seduction. The author bases his work on metapsychology by investigating the relationship between being a “mass idol” and autoerotism. He lectures on libidinal evolution and pulsional destiny. He finalises by saying that, in the “Maradona phenomenon”, drugs have become the fuel that drove him into the trap of artistic megalomania, by using the expression “he felt he was God.” He punctuates that the problem of addictions, the behaviour of masses, the dynamics of intersubjective relationships and the alternation of the principal of pleasure and joy, as well as its distribution, are topics that lead to metapsychological developments, thus allowing for a greater growth of psychoanalysis, as well as more effective applications in practice.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Guillermo Jure, Associação Psicanalítica Argentina

Membro Associado da Associação Psicanalítica Argentina.


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How to Cite

Jure, G. G. (2004). Disavower study in addition case: Maradona with Sade. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 6(1), 69–91. https://doi.org/10.60106/rsbppa.v6i1.143


