The psychoanalyst as an artisan in technics


  • José Luiz F. Petrucci Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de Porto Alegre



Psychoanalitical technique, Creativity, Intersubjective dialogue


In this work, the author intends to attain deep and subjective relations between patient and therapist. He intends to examine what underlines words to reach some ideas about “emotional dialogue” in the relationship between patiente and therapist. Such dialogue results in what we know as “a unique and non-reproducible relationship”, and is responsible for the psychoanalysis as a creative act and for the correct employment of the psychoanalytical technique.


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Author Biography

José Luiz F. Petrucci, Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de Porto Alegre

Médico; Psicanalista Didata da Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de Porto Alegre e do Grupo de Estudos Psicanalíticos Rio3; Professor da Fundação Universitária Mario Martins.


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How to Cite

Petrucci, J. L. F. (2004). The psychoanalyst as an artisan in technics. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 6(1), 131–144.


