Science and fiction in the psychoanalytical game


  • Lia Pistiner de Cortinãs Associação Psicanalítica de Buenos Aires



Fetal psychism, Dreaming, Psychoanalytical treatment


In this paper I intend to enlarge the imaginative conjecture of pre-natal aspects of the mind to include a diverse group of thoughts without a thinker and wild intuitions or untamed thoughts. This extension has the intention of extending psychoanalytical investigation from the vertex of mental growth. I suggest the idea that there is an o ptimum method for a creative transformation and withpossibilities of evolution for these pre-natal aspects. This method is dream-workalpha, which in the mental state of being awake can be used as pre-conception. This is one of the axes of the work. The difficulties in clinical practice with patients that have developed an exo-skeleton instead of a true contact with their emotional life, led me to revalue dreams, the use of models and personification as instruments equivalent to toys. The terms science and fiction conjugated with psychoanalysis contain a reflection about instruments that combined, provide a binocular vision for observation of the field of psychic reality. Psychoanalytical game has an allusion to the extension of the psychoanalytical method to child’s analysis, providing them with the means to communicate their emotional experiences. 


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Author Biography

Lia Pistiner de Cortinãs, Associação Psicanalítica de Buenos Aires

Membro Titular com função didática da Associação Psicanalítica de Buenos Aires.


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How to Cite

Pistiner de Cortinãs, L. (2005). Science and fiction in the psychoanalytical game. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 7(1), 125–154.


