Lacan with Winnicott

on mirrors, specularity and subjetivation


  • Roberto Barberena Graña SPPEL



Mirror, Specularity, Phenomenology, Structuralism, Transitionality, Intersubjectivity


The author intends to put in perspective the mirror and specularity notions in Lacan and Winnicott, comparing them and contrasting them, with the purpose of pointing out their likeness and differences and pleading an interpretation of the lacanian text according to the phenomenological analysis, the post-structuralism and the winnicottian immanentism.


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Author Biography

Roberto Barberena Graña, SPPEL

Membro Titular da SPPEL, Membro Convidado da SBPPA, Doutor em Letras pela UFRGS.


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How to Cite

Graña, R. B. (2007). Lacan with Winnicott: on mirrors, specularity and subjetivation. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 9(2), 515–541.


