The psychosomatic symptom
a traumatic proposal to its etiology
Psychosomatic symptoms, Autistic object, Trauma, Memory, PerceptionAbstract
In this paper the author presents the hypothesis that it is related with one or more fetal traumas or per-partum traumas associated with the attachment to the Tustin’s autistic objects and forms to auto-appease and a traumatic recurrence in other age. This attachment makes the constitutional basis for the necessary predisposition to develop the psychosomatic symptom. The psychosomatic symptom would be an instinctive biological organization made by the autistic objects and forms to appease the death anguish, under the control of the corporal ego and not a symbolic representation of sexual and aggressive repressed conflicts that could not be verbally expressed. The author illustrate with clinical cases. This etiologic hypothesis is based in author’s studies on Ogden’s autistic-contiguous position, the trauma’s concept as formulated by the DSM-IV that evolves a physical death notion, Neuroscience’s contributions on implicit memory and Experimental Psychology contributions. As MacDougall said, the author thinks that the psychosomatic phenomenon hides, paradoxically, a fight to live and especially to the patient psychic survival.
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