Remembering, repeating and elaborating
a vision starting from the selfsoothing procedures
Compulsion to repetition, Death impulse, Psychoanalytic technique, Repetition, Selfsoothing procedures, TransferenceAbstract
The author discusses the evolution of repetition and compulsion to repetition concepts in Freud’s work, pointing out that the first links to life impulses and transference, while the second links to death impulses. He illustrates through a clinical example how, in certain circumstances, the selfsoothing procedures serve to the purpose of working with death impulses. Since then he emphasizes the need to approach the problem with techniques that flee from those used in transference neurosis, in which the interpretation has more value than a sympathetic attitude. He concludes that only in this sort of psychoanalysis and in similar cases where there is a lack of suffering signs, the psychoanalytic clinic can be effective and have future, because these frames depict what was called “current pathologies”.
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