Characterization of puberty

empirical research and psychoanalysis


  • Néstor Greco Associação Psicanalítica Argentina



Body, Disidentification, Helplessness, Identification, Puberty, Separation, Anxiety


The author postulates that puberty is a phase of the psyche with a dynamics and specific dilemma that, for a long time, had not been investigated by clinical psychoanalysis and by the psychoanalytic theory, which used to relegate it to phenomena of adolescence. At the pubertal stage, as a result of hormonal changes, the newly developed drive cannot be processed by the ego, which is then subtracted by anguish. There is a boost in erotic drives at the oral, anal, urethral and phallic levels, bypassing the oedipal matrix, in which sensualization will develop during adolescence. This increase in the drive also affects death drive. Both are expressed by aggressive behavior, by scatological language, by fantasies, by microaccidents, by the higher intensity of rivalry, etc. Detachment will result in excessive harshness of the superego and consequent lability in the support of self-esteem. The anxieties associated with the body, with its size, its functioning and its contents run free. There is an unconscious quest for restoring the narcissistic symbiotic balance with the preoedipal relationship with parents and, when this operation fails, helplessness and separation are experienced. That is when disidentification processes are triggered and new mechanisms of identification with other aspects of the object are introduced.


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Author Biography

Néstor Greco, Associação Psicanalítica Argentina

Analista de Crianças e Membro Didata da Associação Psicanalítica Argentina.


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How to Cite

Greco, N. (2010). Characterization of puberty: empirical research and psychoanalysis. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 12(2), 335–356.