História e pré-história psíquicas. O “intergeracional” e seus fragmentos de identidade


  • Alain de Mijolla Sociedade Psicanalítica de Paris


Family, Identification fantasies, Grandparents, Identification, Family secrets


If each person has a right to its own history and if a large part of thepsychoanalytic encounter has a role to allow its reconstruction, as well as itsconstruction, this is also valed to what we can define as the pre-history of allhuman being. In the mosaic of the disparity psychic elements, more or lessperpetually agitated by movements ... as “brownian”, partial drives, defences,investments and conter investments, repetitions, etc – in wich the fragile equilibriumpoint – constitute what we call “identity”, this pre-historycal has an importanthole wich psichoanalysts neglected for a long time. The fashion of magictransgenerational findings has the value to call their attention to the place that thetransmition process has to each one, in reality, “intergenerational”, that takes placeby the what the parents let you know about their past pre-concious imagos of thephantasmatic scenes that play their main characters, mainy their own parents –and this is the most essential psychic role of the grandparents – or their relatives,though the report wich they transmited, in a manifested or latented way, abouttheir ancestors. Next to the geneticist, biologist or the anthropologist, thepsychoanalyst must defend the right that each human being has to reconstruct theelements of a pre-conscious pre-history, important fragments of its own identity.


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Author Biography

Alain de Mijolla, Sociedade Psicanalítica de Paris

Membro Titular da Sociedade Psicanalítica de Paris – IPA. Fundador e Presidente da Associação Internacional de História da Psicanálise – IPA.



How to Cite

Mijolla, A. de. (2001). História e pré-história psíquicas. O “intergeracional” e seus fragmentos de identidade. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 3(2), 305–329. Retrieved from https://revista.sbpdepa.org.br/revista/article/view/57


