A fundamental experience of learning in my analytic training


  • Franco Borgogno


Analytic supervision, Dynamics of transference and countertransference, Repetition, Role-reversal, Transformative factors


Drawing upon his description of the early phases of the analysis of the second case of official supervision, the author illustrates in his work why this experience became a foundational moment in his formative trajectory. There are primarily three aspects that are given prominence: 1) the significant role his supervisor played in helping to manage and to confront the difficult dynamics of transference and countertransference that cha-racterized his early years of analysis; 2) the transformative factors that have opened up a new avenue in the repetition and the original traumatic pathology put forward at great length by the patient, and 3) the making contact for the first time with that area of inter/intrapsychic phenomena that the author, over the years, has explored widely and theorized under the name of relational dynamics governed by the role-reversal.


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How to Cite

Borgogno, F. (2016). A fundamental experience of learning in my analytic training. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 18(1), 153–163. Retrieved from https://revista.sbpdepa.org.br/revista/article/view/587



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