The fault in the structuring of the initial ego and the consequences on the body
Actual neurosis, Maternal failure, Psychoanalysis, PsychosomaticAbstract
Based on a clinical case, we emphasize the current concept of actual neurosis and its importance in the studies by Marty on operational thinking, operational life and essential depression and those by Maldavsky on the pathologies of helplessness that are characterized by apathy. Both agree that, in psychosomatic disorders, an absence of symbolization and strangling of affection occur due to a failure in the mother-infant interaction; therefore, the structuring of the Real Primitive Ego fails, which affects the body and mind of these patients. We believe that it is necessary to change the standard technique in order to retrieve lost, broken or even non-existent representations to the psychic ground. In conclusion, we stress that Freud never gave up on actual neurosis as if he felt that the integration between theory and clinical practice might emerge someday, as occurred with psychosomatic studies.
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