Relações familiares e aprisionamento psíquico


  • Gley P. Costa Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de Porto Alegre



Lyberty, Internal World, Intergenerational Trasmission


Working for several years as supervisor of psychiatry training courses and analytically oriented psychotherapy, besides cases of analysis I have observed that when a therapist faces a child with behavioral disturbances or another symptom which are supposed to have a psychological origin, more often than not he properly does not hesitate in investigating his environmental context, frequently concluding that the problem revealed by the little patient probably results of interactional conflict in his familiar group. Almost the same orientation that used to be applied to adolescents, as the years of this stage of life are passing by, however, he more and more stands off this kind of behavior. When facing an adult there is a tendency to consider him isolatedly, while the family he belongs to is compared to a screen of his projections. As a result of this position, along of the patient’s treatment the therapist aims to re-create this one-sided street in which he takes the place formely designed to the family without taking into consideration the family projections and his own projections on the patient. Not forgeting about the patient’s participation, through this paper I intend to call attention to the influence of the objects in the development of the internal world, consisting of a real “Citzen’s Assembly” that establishes its resolutions all along the individual’s life.


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Author Biography

Gley P. Costa, Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de Porto Alegre

Analista Didata da Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de Porto Alegre e Professor da Fundação Universitária Mário Martins.


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COSTA, G.P. Conflitos da Vida Real. Porto Alegre, Artes Médicas, 1997.

HONDERICH, T. (Ed.), The Oxford Companion to Philosophy. New York, Oxford Univ. Press, 1995.

LEBOVICI, S. Maternidade. In.: COSTA, G.P. & KATZ, G. Dinâmica das Relações Conjugais. Porto Alegre, Artes Médicas, 1992.



How to Cite

Costa, G. P. (1999). Relações familiares e aprisionamento psíquico. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 1(1), 65–74.




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