A grade edípica
anotações teórico-clínicas sobre configurações edípicas à luz de princípios ético-estéticos de observação
Oedipal Grid, Myth of Oedipus, Analytical intuition, Ethical-aesthetic principle, Analytical function of the personalityAbstract
The author takes as his starting point the systematization of an Oedipal Grid, suggested by Bion in Learning from Experience (1962) and tries to show the importance for the analyst to take an incessant dialogue-mentioned in Cogitations (1992) – with the myth of Oedipus, writing down his/her associations in relation to it, rather than occupying taking direct notes regarding the patients. The procedure, being very flexible, can be used for other myths, that can be compared. The author points out the advantages of such inner dialogue, because in stimulating and using producing imagination it promotes analytical intuition, developing, consequently, the analytical language, and extending the selected facts picked-up by the analytical function of the personality. The author gives examples of his free associations on the elements of the myth of Oedipus aroused by following the horizontal axis of this limited Grid, instead of using the usual structures of psychiatric inspiration, and supplies some fragments of his clinical experience without the necessity of identifying patients. From Bion’s ideas vertex this path installs a difference, because it can only be used by the analyst who uses the unconscious to interpret a state of conscious mind, and not the contrary. At the same time, the author suggests that the analyst who uses such a method needs to support his interpretations in ethical-aesthetic principles of observation. The author searchs for a clarification of what these principles mean, describing them from their origin in science, and mentioning that in psychoanalysis their use elapses after the perception of the unconscious. The central question involved in these formulations was supplied by Freud, when working through a scientific basis of observation, he designated in Two Principles of Mental Functioning, that art is able to reconcile the two principles.
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