
a death in life


  • Lucca Zini Homem de Bittencourt Unisinos



Boredom, Contemporaneity, Death drive, Satisfaction


In contemporary times, especially since the informational revolution, and more specifically with the advent of digital devices such as cell phones and tablets, we have observed a resurgence of symptoms related to apathy and anhedonia, which can be synthesized in the analyzer of boredom. Especially in childhood, but not exclusively, these symptoms raise concern, as playfulness and enjoyment of the imagination are essential for psychological development and social ties.
The present discussion aims to reflect on contemporary boredom, considering it in light of the mechanisms of instinctual satisfaction and its relationship with digital entertainment devices that are readily available. Therefore, outlining boredom as a mechanism of refusal (verwerfung) of thinking-desiring, perversion as a mode of desire can be thought of as a dynamic and symptomatic social emergence of relating to satisfaction.


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Author Biography

Lucca Zini Homem de Bittencourt, Unisinos



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How to Cite

Bittencourt, L. Z. H. de. (2023). Boredom: a death in life. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 25(1), 90–109.



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