The Observation Method of Children Esther Bick, psychanalyze of children and teenagers
ateliê privileged to contemporary psychoanalyse
The theorical and technical conquers of the children, teenagers and the Esther Bick Babies Observation Method, The essence of the psychoanalytical Method, The theorical and technical demands of the present clinic, The Primitive States of Mind, The place of the analyst revisited, “Para- transferring”, Analytical functions, The new pathologiesAbstract
The psychoanalysis of children, of teenage patients and also the Esther Bick method of infant Observation Method can enlighten the reformulations of technical and theoretical issues of the new diseases of the soul. In these pathological cases, the failure or the non existence of representations is the maim issue. The best contributions are: I) The understanding of the essence of the psycoanalitycal method and its consequences in the technical process; II) The metapsychological understanding of the Primitive States of Mind; III) The analyst’s function revisited fa beyond the interpretative function; IV) The “paratransferências”; V) A new conception of psychoanalytic training; Melanie Klein created a new technique which foundation is a new metapsychology. a) The analyst reaches the patient in his structural level; b) The patient can be what he is. The analyst goes over the infant world and does not pull off the patient for him to reach the traditional theoretical and technical foundations; c) In the context the birth of the subjectivity is accepted; d) Differently from Hans’case, sometimes the mind needs to be built from the beginning; e) The conquer of language can be the final aim of the analysis and not necessary be a precondition for the beginning of the process .
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