The Night and its sons (the Sleep and the Death) and nightmares along childhood
Adolescence, Death, Infancy, Nightmares, SleepAbstract
Through an analogy with the myth about the Night and its sons (the Sleep and the Death), the author highlights how the angsts regarding death or the loss of control can invade the sleep and generate sleeping disorders in childhood. Some nightmares are reported at different ranges. Its is also reported that the night can be the scenario of a passage ritual from adolescence do adulthood, in the search of the couple formation, from a group of teenagers. The author finishes with the fable of Ceix and Alcione and relates the couple formation and the generation of babies with the possibility of leaving together the internal parental couple, either by giving one another pleasure, or procreating, or resting. This possibility is seen as an enhancer of less internal noise and as a facilitator of relaxing sleep.
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