Father presence, father link and father function
thinking about the father in the actual psychoanalytical clinic of children and adolescents
Adolescence, Childhood, Countertransference, Father function, LinkAbstract
It is verified in the actual psychoanalytical clinic of children and adolescents a bigger presence and involvement of the father in his son’s treatment. Observing the father in this context, the authors discuss through clinical vignettes how the father shows his presence in his son’s life, his linking condition and the possibility of performing or not the father function. They begin by recalling Schreber’s father’s dessubjetivante presence in his childhood, relating it to his psychosis. The analyst, through sessions with the father (or parents), during the evaluation and treatment of the patient, continuously faces this issue where the father is absent or even present and linked with the child, but does not perform the father function. On the other hand, they also point to the risk in the analyst producing a countertransference that searches in this patient’s father the idealized and phallic father of his/her own childhood, mainly in female analysts.
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