Ideologies and ideological mental states in clinical practice
Clinical psychoanalysis, Ideology, Mental statesAbstract
The author examines the concept of ideology from a psychoanalytic point of view, and addresses the presence and the role it plays in the minds of patients arriving in the analysis room, emphasizing the relationship between ideology, as a conscious phenomenon, and dynamic deep meanings it has for every person, and reaffirm – from clinical evidence of these links – how ideologies need to be investigated and understood more broadly in the lives of those in demand for treatment. Finally the author differentiates ideology, while universally present system of ideas, from what he called “ideological states of mind”, and proposes that these resemble that psychoanalysis known as a pathological personality organization, a mental state that serves the survival of a self threatened by disintegration, or represents a desperate attempt to repair a self already very fragmented.
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