The fourth axis
a necessary expansion?
Analytic training, Candidate, Fourth axis, Limbo, Psychoanalytical formation, Psychoanalytic institutionAbstract
During the meeting ABCSouth of the Brazilian Candidates Association Board, with the topic The formation in expansion, it was put forward to a table of guests the question regarding the fourth axis as a necessary expansion inside the psychoanalytical formation. The author answered affirmatively, considering that the candidate is involved with his institution of psychoanalytical formation from the moment he enters it and that he will be immersed in the culture that characterizes it. In his trajectory, he will be able to become an associate member of IPA as well as a full member of its society. Nevertheless, about 50% of the candidates stay in what is called the limbo. The author relates the fourth axis to the necessary expansion of the thinking inside the psychoanalytic societies and inside IPA so as to better understand the phenomenon of limbo and, perhaps, to achieve some change in such a worrying and challenging reality.
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