Hyperbole: presence in arts
analytic presence
Art, Hostility, Hyperbole, Psychoanalysis, Transformation in hallucinosisAbstract
This paper aimed to introduce different vertices of this figure of speech or conic section called hyperbole. Starting from the Euclidean mathematics the author sets off a search in the arts and in psychoanalysis by hyperbolic motions. However, if in the arts, the Hyperbola can contextualize in a creative act, the author demonstrates that the some does not occur in the human mind. The use of hyperbole during the analytic process is synonymous with psychic pain, violence, jealousy and hostility. This mental functioning is discussed from the analysis of a clinical case in which the psychic ties of love (L), hatred (H) and knowledge (K), relating to emotional experiences were affected throughout the development, generating transformations in hallucinosis and hyperbolic performances. Through clinical vignettes, the author presents the expansion of understanding emotional analyzing psychoanalytic process and triggers transformations in O, the unknowable.
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