Ante-book for a post-metapsychological psychoanalysis
Contemporaneity, Metaphysics, Metapsychology, Modernity, Phenomenology, StructuralismAbstract
The dangerous irreconcilable gap between the time and course of events/ thoughts in psychoanalysis and philosophy cannot but impose on the psychoanalytic thinker the responsibility of confronting his own discipline in order to question his noetic anachronism. If we look at the fact that modern metaphysics that provides philosophical fulfillment to meta-psychological discourse lived its decline in the early twentieth century, succumbing to Nietzsche’s hammer and to Heidegger’s destruction, from which the leading contemporary philosophers originate, it is not fitting that after a century the Freudian conceptualization and terminology remain unchanged, despite the subversion of the forms of knowledge that calve the contemporaneity of thinking. This article questions the patterns of reflection and transmission of psychoanalytic knowledge in the present day, where philosophy is often ignored and philosophical references eventually used commonly return to the modernity.
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