Transmission and transformation

confessions regarding the process of becoming a psychoanalyst


  • Aline Santos e Silva SBPdePA
  • Lisa Pellegrini Magalhães SBPdePA
  • Siana Pessin Cerri SBPdePA



Psychoanalytic identity, 4th axis, Training, Transformation


In this paper, the authors, who are in process of psychoanalytical training at SBPdePA, question how to become a psychoanalyst. Starting from a series of questions, they bring up aspects of its transmission. Along with the recognized psychoanalytic tripod, that is: personal analysis, supervision and study in theoretical seminars, they emphasize the importance of the 4th axis to achieve the analytical identity. The interaction with the chosen institution is part of the so-called 4th axis. This, in turn, encourages analysts to cultivate exchange with colleagues, as a necessary aspect for personal growth. The importance of getting involved in the institution, forming the “analytical family” together with the internal family of each one, is fundamental in obtaining the psychoanalytical identity.


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Author Biographies

Aline Santos e Silva, SBPdePA

Psicóloga, Membro do Instituto da SBPdePA, Docente e Supervisora do ITIPOA.

Lisa Pellegrini Magalhães, SBPdePA

Psicóloga, Membro do Instituto da SBPdePA.

Siana Pessin Cerri, SBPdePA

Psicóloga, Membro do Instituto da SBPdePA.


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How to Cite

Silva, A. S. e, Magalhães, L. P., & Cerri, S. P. (2020). Transmission and transformation: confessions regarding the process of becoming a psychoanalyst. Psicanálise - Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicanálise De Porto Alegre, 22(2), 161–168.

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