The Ego and the Id. What has changed in psychoanalytic technique?
Freud, Psychoanalysis, Resistance, The Ego and the Id, ThoughtAbstract
The author examines the influence of The Ego and the Id on psychoanalytic technique. As he considers, given the breadth of the subject, to describe the technical developments resulting from this influence, he seeks to discuss what led Freud to write this book. He thinks that six situations made him make changes in the attempt to rethink psychoanalysis from the first topic: the progressive spiritualization of Psychoanalysis, the decline of the unconscious, the dictatorship of reason, the introduction of the object, the processes of identification and the drive of death in Beyond the pleasure principle. After examining these reasons, he ends by stressing the importance of the word in psychoanalytic technique, since psychoanalysis characterized by healing through speech.
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