where has the Name-of-the-Father been?
Enjoyment., Limit, Name-of-the-Father, Pleasure, Subject, UnconsciousAbstract
Based on Freud’s and Lacan’s works, in this study, we address the importance of limits – main theme of the XXIII Brazilian Congress on Psychoanalysis – and Lacan’s Name-of-the-Father, for the construction of the subject of the unconscious, allowing for the development of symbolic capacity and, consequently, of alterity and of recognition of the Other. In today’s culture there are several examples of lack of limits and absence of clearly defined roles, as well as of intersubjective and transsubjective spaces, in an attempt to overcome intergenerational differences. We use a clinical case to illustrate the father’s failure to impose restraints on the mother-daughter relationship and its implications for adult development.
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