Psychological aspects in women undergoing assisted reproduction
Assisted fertility, Fertilization, Desire for a childAbstract
Infertility is a ubiquitous problem, but it is more pronounced in developing countries. According to World Health Organization data, the infertility rate is estimated at 8 to 12% in the 21st century. That being said, the aim of the present paper is to present some data collected in a qualitative survey, which refer to the fantasies of women undergoing assisted reproduction. A qualitative interpretative design was used. Eleven women aged 20 to 41 years who were taking part in assisted reproduction for the first time were interviewed. These women were referred from the Division of Assisted Reproduction of a public hospital of Porto Alegre. A semistructured interview was conducted, recorded and later transcribed, and the data were analyzed according to Bardin (2003)’s content analysis. The interviewees showed predominantly pre-oedipal characteristics, and their discourse revealed poor psychological subjectivity. The father figure is represented by flawed characteristics, not fulfilling the prohibitive role of the mother-baby relationship. The most frequent fantasies were the incapacity to become a mother, as well as physical and psychological problems. The child was represented in an idealized manner and, in few cases, this seems to be associated with the desire of starting a family.
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