“Porque eu sonho eu não o sou...”
Primitive anxieties, Psychosis, Children psychoanalysisAbstract
The author, through a film about a pre-adolescent who fights against mentalillness in a psychotic family, studies the classical report of Melanie Klein, 1946,where she sets in the seminal concept of projective identification and discussesthe role of primitive anxieties on psychological development and its consequenceson mental health and illness.He states this concepts as an evolution in theory and technic, not a rupturewith the classical one, permiting the approach to patients until then consideredwithout possibilities of psychoanalysis, and treatment of children with a classicaltechnic, without extra-analytical measures, and shows how this concepts allow anew light and understanding to the analytical field, in terms of a new compreehension of countertransference, intersubjectivity and the role of analyticalpair, among others developments.
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